Ascii Chess
This project explores data visualization capabilities and assesses data values.
The web app at supports the following helper visuals:
- Graph View: a network graph depiction of the chessboard
- Arc View: an arc depiction of FEN strings
- Chord View: A chord depiction of board connections (threats & protections)
- History Table: A comparison of algebraic, universal, and Forsyth-Edwards notations
- FEN Character Count: A depiction of how metrics can be compared across move sequences
The prototype at also supports:
- FEN Description: A breakdown of FEN strings
- FEN Map: A 2-dimensional rendering of FEN strings
AWS currently routes the client-side app to a backend API which will soon be made avaiable at
I provide the following professional services:
- Web Development
- Cloud Development
- Data
- SQL & Database Management
- Pipelines & Storage
- Visualization & Presentation